Psalm 8:4-9
4 For I will behold your heavens, the works of your fingers: the moon and the stars, which you have founded. 5 What is man, that you are mindful of him, or the son of man, that you visit him? 6 You reduced him to a little less than the Angels; you have crowned him with glory and honor, 7 and you have set him over the works of your hands. 8 You have subjected all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and in addition: the beasts of the field, 9 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, which pass through the paths of the sea. Proverbs 8:22-31 22 The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his ways, before he made anything, from the beginning. 23 I was ordained from eternity, and out of antiquity, before the earth was formed. 24 The abyss did not yet exist, and I was already conceived; neither had the fountains of waters yet erupted. 25 The mountains, with their great mass, had not yet been established. Before the hills, I was brought forth. 26 Still he had not made the earth, and the rivers, and the poles of the globe of the earth. 27 I was already present: when he prepared the heavens; when, with a certain law and a circuit, he fortified the abyss; 28 when he made firm the sky above, and set free the fountains of waters; 29 when he encompassed the sea within its limits, and laid down a law for the waters, lest they transgress their limits; when he weighed the foundations of the earth. 30 I was with him in composing all things. And I was delighted, throughout every day, by playing in his sight at all times, 31 playing in globe of the earth. And my delight was to be with the sons of men.
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