Psalm 102:16-23
16For Yahweh has built up Zion. He has appeared in his glory. 17He has responded to the prayer of the destitute, and has not despised their prayer. 18This will be written for the generation to come. A people which will be created will praise Yah. 19For he has looked down from the height of his sanctuary. From heaven, Yahweh saw the earth; 20to hear the groans of the prisoner; to free those who are condemned to death; 21that men may declare Yahweh’s name in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem; 22when the peoples are gathered together, the kingdoms, to serve Yahweh. 23He weakened my strength along the course. He shortened my days. WEB Genesis 9:1-13 1 And God blessed Noah and his sons. And he said to them: "Increase, and multiply, and fill the earth. 2 And let the fear and trembling of you be upon all the animals of the earth, and upon all the birds of the air, along with all that moves across the earth. All the fish of the sea have been delivered into your hand. 3 And everything that moves and lives will be food for you. Just as with the edible plants, I have delivered them all to you, 4 except that flesh with blood you shall not eat. 5 For I will examine the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast. So also, at the hand of mankind, at the hand of each man and his brother, I will examine the life of mankind. 6 Whoever will shed human blood, his blood will be poured out. For man was indeed made to the image of God. 7 But as for you: increase and multiply, and go forth upon the earth and fulfill it." 8 To Noah and to his sons with him, God also said this: 9 "Behold, I will establish my covenant with you, and with your offspring after you, 10 and with every living soul that is with you: as much with the birds as with the cattle and all the animals of the earth that have gone forth from the ark, and with all the wild beasts of the earth. 11 I will establish my covenant with you, and no longer will all that is flesh be put to death by the waters of a great flood, and, henceforth, there will not be a great flood to utterly destroy the earth." 12 And God said: "This is the sign of the pact that I grant between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations. 13 I will place my arc in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the pact between myself and the earth.
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